Friday, December 12, 2014

It's about time The Military Minute made it on to Blogger

Like it, hate it, or indifferent to it, military history is happening all the time.  Leaders are born and die.  Solders enlist, fight, and retire.  Nations prepare for war while trying to avoid war.  It has been going on for longer than you or I have been alive and it will go on long after we're dead. 

Rommel's Afrika Korps was a cutting edge fighting force in 1942
Some aspects of military history, the misery, the agony, the destruction, would be familiar to a combatant of any era while other aspects would be completely foreign.  A Hittitie warrior would have little use for an M1A1 Abrams main battle tank without the knowledge of how to use it and the materiel necessary to make it work.  Similarly, Union and Confederate soldiers at Gettysburg or Antietam would have left English crossbows off the battlefield because they, too, would have been virtually useless against the weapons and tactics of the American Civil War.  And yet, all warriors, especially those who have tasted battle, would prefer the comforts of home to those of the trench or the fortress or the castle. 

The weapons that won the day at the Battle of Hastings would have been useless in World War II.
War has been a necessary evil through most of humanity's existence and in this blog and on the related social media sites, Military Minute will explore as many topics related to military history as possible.  We do not seek to glorify war, as any veteran will tell you glory does not live on any battlefield, but only in the mouths of politicians and the misguided retellings of historians, but we will extoll the virtues of the men and women who have sacrificed their time, effort, and lives for principles they deemed worthy of the sacrifice.  And, we hope that by so doing we may take us all a step, albeit a small one, closer to the objective extolled by the immortal artists Joe Kubert, "Make war no more."

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